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A Message from the President and CEO

​Dear Supporter,

NNEDV’s busy summer continues with our Safety Net team recently wrapping up our 10th Annual Virtual Tech Summit. I had the pleasure of delivering the opening remarks for Tech Summit, sharing how the ongoing pandemic continues to require us all to innovate to meet evolving needs in a new world. The technology developed during this time will outlive the crisis itself, as will new privacy and safety concerns for survivors.

Technology is power. While it can create new avenues for abusers to cause harm, it can also be a lifeline for survivors in need, and we must invest in supporting survivors’ rights to engage, speak up, speak out, and communicate with family, friends, and government systems, without the fear of abuse. Our Safety Net team focuses on tech-facilitated abuse and supports the empowered use of technology for survivors. You can learn more about their work at TechSafety.org and check out my full recap of this year’s Tech Summit here.

As we move into August, we are already looking ahead to this year’s Domestic Violence Awareness Month (DVAM) campaign in October. In partnership with the Pennsylvania Coalition Against Domestic Violence (PCADV), we are bringing back and enhancing the #Every1KnowsSome1 DVAM campaign we launched last year, along with the #GiveForDV giving coalition for Giving Tuesday. We are so proud of our work on this nationally recognized cause-based giving campaign, which is now in its third year. The goal of these joint initiatives is to raise awareness, increase financial support and volunteer efforts, and deepen community engagement by connecting our work nationwide. Coalitions and local programs are critical to building #GiveForDV into a larger movement to mobilize charitable support for domestic and sexual violence programs at the local, state, territorial, and national level. Learn more on our new GiveForDV site.

We’re grateful to everyone who joined us for Tech Summit and for all of your support for our mission and our work during DVAM, Giving Tuesday, and beyond. Keep reading to learn how you can get involved.

For safety and peace, 

  Deborah J. Vagins
  NNEDV President and CEO


NNEDV Updates

Blue-toned, close-up image of hands holding a phone, with floating

Did you miss this year’s Tech Summit? Don’t worry. It is not too late to share in our exciting program. You can still purchase access to our recorded sessions and materials. Please contact our Safety Net team for details.


DVAM and GiveForDV are coming soon. We encourage everyone to check out NNEDV and PCADV’s material and toolkits. (And, if you represent a coalition or local program, make sure your organization is registered to receive donations by September 30.) Let’s show up to uplift our work and magnify our impact together.


Our 17th Annual Domestic Violence Counts survey day is less than a month away. #DVCounts documents the number of people who sought services in a 24-hour period, services requested, requests that went unmet, and issues and barriers that programs face. Learn more about this year’s survey and catch up with last year’s if you missed it.  


Did you know NNEDV’s Independence Project helps domestic violence survivors improve their credit scores through micro-lending? Learn how this project supports survivors of financial abuse, which occurs in 99% of domestic violence cases.


Team Spotlight: Positively Safe

Our Positively Safe team works with national, state, and local organizations, provides technical assistance and training, and develops and disseminates resources to support domestic violence survivors living with and at risk for HIV. Check out the Positively Safe: Addressing the Intersection of DV and HIV/AIDS Toolkit and the Expanding the Continuum podcast, which explores the intersections of patriarchal violence and HIV.


NNEDV in the News

NNEDV was recently featured in the following articles…

  • NortonLifeLock Blogs: “NNEDV is honored to partner with NortonLifeLock to work toward improving safety, security, and privacy for survivors and to help survivors access technology in a safe and meaningful way.” - Deborah J. Vagins, NNEDV President & CEO
  • Bust: “According to the National Network to End Domestic Violence, financial abuse occurs in 99% of domestic violence cases, but according to a 2014 study, 78% of Americans did not even recognize financial abuse as a form of domestic violence. I am just one of millions of women who have experienced this kind of abuse, but I am also one of the lucky ones who found a way out.
  • LA Progressive: “[A survivor] claimed [an abuser] ceaselessly engaged in so-called litigation abuse—when an abusive partner tries to retain power and control over a victim by misusing the court system against the victim, according to the non-profit WomensLaw.org, a project of the National Network to End Domestic Violence.”

Together we can create a social, political, and economic environment in which domestic violence no longer exists.



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National Network to End Domestic Violence
1325 Massachusetts Ave NW, Floor 7, Washington, DC 20005

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